Application Form

What: Youth Exchange
Where: Murzasichle, Poland
When: 16.06.2023 is arrival day – 23.06.2023 is departure
Number of participants: Participants: 5 per national team,

Countries:  Latvia, Poland, Czechia

Sponsors: Erasmus +


The topic of the workshop is the use of non-formal handicraft methods in youth education. It will also provide an opportunity for networking and the exchange of good practices between participants.

Currently, very few organisations deal with handicrafts as an educational tool. Usually handicrafts are an energiser, a calming element, and are rarely given the value of a tool to convey other educational content. The training aims to change and influence organisations and educators in the youth sector. In particular, it will
be possible to improve the quality of education by incorporating handicraft elements. Educators will be able to extend their competences with completely new methods and tools.

The training is also intended to involve organisations in the exchange of good practices and networking. Everyone will be able to experience the dense network of handicraftsmen and handicrafts organisations and start new activities.

More info:
– The info-pack for the project can be accessed using the following link:

If you have further questions, we are here for you, ready to help or provide all possible answers and information on