Petrklíč help

We are

  • creative
  • educational
  • innovative
  • community


Petrklíč help is a youth, educational and innovative non-profit organization operating since 2005. Our team has extensive experience in non-formal education, volunteering, development of young people and their ideas, cross-border and international cooperation, environmental issues and youth participation. We also have a dedicated support team offering advice on youth policy, personal development and ecology.

Who we are?

Participate in youth councils

Travel with Mongolian yurt

Create at different workshops

International exchanges

Organise festivals with us

Ecological activities for everyone

We give space for creativity.

Possibilities, that's Petrklíč

Our experience

Crossborder aspect

The seat of the organisation is in Těšín – a city divided by the river into Czech (Český Těšín) and Polish part (Cieszyn). It lies in the heart of the historical region of Cieszyn Silesia. The combined population of the Czech and Polish parts of the city is around 60,000 (25,000 in Těšín, 35,000 in Cieszyn). That’s why one of our key activities is developing cross-border cooperation between Czech and Polish young people.

ASPEKT neformálního vzdělávání

Jde o otevírání prostoru pro učení se a učení, jak přemýšlet o dění kolem nás.  Našim cílem je aktivní zapojení mladých do dění ve veřejném prostoru, což přeneseně znamená „opustit školní lavici a vyjít do ulic“.  Soustředíme se na druhého člověka, na společenství lidí, na komunikaci a skupinovou spolupráci, na postřehnutí té nejjednodušší a zároveň nejobtížnější hodnoty – mezilidského vztahu.

Social Enterprise Aspect

Business Gate Academy
Aiming to match the creative minds of students with the experience of entrepreneurs. The student teams work on the specific assignment defined by the entrepreneur. Students get the practice, companies the extra capacity or different point of view on how to solve the problem. Connecting theory and practice – every student has to learn a lot of theory. But knowing things is not the same as doing things. If the knowledge is connected with practice only then the useful „know-how“ is generated for professional life. The program delivers real business experience by companies who assign the projects for student teams.

Youth Initiatives Aspects

Consulting youth initiatives. Community development consultancy provided to a wide range of youth initiatives aged 13-30 years at the regional level (covering organizational processes, fundraising, needs…). Analysis of regional youth needs, incl. medium-term prognosis, educational and coaching activities to increase the employability of young people (know-how in soft skills development).

Youth Participation Aspects

At present, we have 80 active young people who are members in 3 towns (Karviná, Český Těšín, Třinec). We actively seek resources to support (financial, material, and staff information) for its own youth initiatives. The principles of openness of the authority and decision-makers to youth are applied.

Volunteering Aspect

Since 2014, the Volunteer Center has been established at the Regional Library of Karviná, which actively cooperates with volunteers in the preparation of municipal events or library activities. Within VC, a database of volunteers is also created where there is supply of and demand for volunteers.

EVS Activities

EVS coordinator working on this position already for 5 years. She has hosted 7 volunteers and is also one of the persons with most responsibilities connected to the EVS in the organization. Is regularly visiting trainings on EVS to stay tuned and up to date. For the last two years she has been an art director of the festival Svátek čaje so has an experience with work with people and at the same time with European projects. She has also participated in many trainings for youth workers. It is a person that takes the most care of the volunteers. Provides them with pocket money and the food money. Plans the activities for the volunteer and makes sure that the volunteers’ individual learning plan has been fulfilled. It is also a person that takes care of the volunteers’ comfort and wellbeing in the flat.

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