Technology is developing as we speak and it’s important to keep up with its growth. In this day and age, we should embrace these new advances and use them to give better educational opportunities to people of all ages but especially youngsters. Since they are our future.
One of these advances is VR. Virtual Reality is the use of computer modeling and simulation that enables a person to interact with an artificial three-dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment. Meaning a person can put on VR glasses and they can be completely transferred to a different dimension, for example, they can visit space and look at the planets, asteroids and even galaxies up close. They can also visit Museums, theatres and even play sports. One of the reasons its better than just showing the pictures and videos is that VR uses 3D visuals which allows a person to see the things as if he or she was standing there in person. Simulationof human senses—all five of them—transforms a computer into a vehicle into new worlds.
On of the benefits of VR is that, it can be programmed in many different ways. It is not limited to just museums and space. It can take a person to a place they have never been; it can have critical thinking developing games as well as brain workouts. VR can also be used to help people with mental health problems, for example it can have a de-stressing program that would make a person’s anxiety less active. Other example would me helping people who are experiencing burnout, there can be a specific program created for them to elevate the stress and pressure.
Even though the benefits of VR are endless, I have to mention that in the wrong hands it can be dangerous as well. And the way to prevent that is to implement program blockers, so that schools and other centers can only use programs designed for education purposes.
“We are using VR reality in our non-formal education clubs for education. Each week on Friday we meet with youngsters to discover new VR programs and possibilities for education. We also cooperate with private sector to initiate new VR programs. In last two years we were or we are involved in VR programs that prevent bourn out syndrome, teach how to weld or how to behave environmentally,” explains Petr Kantor from Petrklíč help, z.s. who is currently working on the development of virtual reality in education,
To sum up, we should take advantage of the VR usage in educational and mental health fields, to help youth to become more knowledgeable on general or specific topics and to help them with stress and anxiety. While also being aware of its dangerous sides and strongly regulating what type of programs are available to the youth centers.
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