Burak Bayram

Hello, I am 25 years old and graduated from Industrial Engineering. With this rational and analytical background, I have been always eager to take part in a volunteering project to make a contrast in my life where I can be engaged with many people who are like-minded and also to catch the opportunity to get to know myself more in detail by stepping out of my comfort zone. I consider volunteering as the thread that weaves together my passion for community, self-development, and the pursuit of knowledge. From the outset, I embarked on this journey with a heart brimming with enthusiasm and a burning desire to make a positive impact.

Moreover, the dynamism of volunteering gives me a chance to be ever-eager to expand my horizons and embrace the unfamiliar. In the landscapes of my involvement, I am every day discovering the beauty of interdisciplinary learning, which gives me joy in the diversity of experiences that enriched both my mind and soul. Through this diverse journey, I suppose to unearth facets of myself that I never knew existed. I think that volunteering can be my compass, guiding me through the labyrinth of personal development and self-discovery.