Burcu Ekim

Hello, My name is Burcu. I’m 25 years old and I live in Turkey. I graduated from computer engineering. I feel energetic, self-confident. I can describe myself as willing to take responsibility, helpful, hardworking, smiling. I love to design. I love meeting new people. Every person teaches me new things. After graduating from university, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and have a new experience. It’s great to meet people from different cultures.

Volunteer activities give people the chance to see their potential. I wanted to see my potential too. I experience that ”giving makes you receive more” through volunteer activities. I am more sevsitive to all people, living things and nature. Being a volunteer contributes to my social development. Volunteer work I am learning new information. I broaden my perspective by doing activies with different people from different cultures. It is wonderful to meet new people, get to know new cultures, discover new tastes and see new places. I worked in the cultural center before. I took part in different activities. That’s why I chose this institution. Here, I work in social media, forest kindergarten.

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