Mert Çitdemir

I am Mert Çitdemir from İstanbul Türkiye and i am 25 years old.
I can say that i am positive,energetic and passionate person who can bring these personal features to people, work and also my social environment to contribute them all.
I really want to be a volunteer because of my past experiences in Turkey. I am an İstanbul City Volunteer, i was volunteer in TEMA and TOG. We had great workshops i learnt a lot about people who needs help, I learnt about nature and it needs with humanity.

I really wanted to be a volunteer on abroad to learn more and also contribute Petrklic Help about what i got familiar from my past experiences in nongovernmental organisation. After i got more knowledge from Petrklic Help i can also do a good harmony between two countries and help every connections of people rights, nature rights and animal rights internationally.