The project build the capacity of partners to engage at all geographic areas from local to European and enable partners new to transnational activity to experience the values of this form of learning. Partners are more empowered, individual participants selected by partners will benefit from an important professional development opportunity. Young people from partner localities benefit from enhanced provision resulting from piloting and mainstreaming new methodologies learned from the engagement, sharing and learning with partner.

The objectives of the project are to increase the partner and participant expertise and knowledge, enable through transnational co-operation the ability to share, learn and pilot new ideas and with active dissemination share the lessons widely beyond the partnership at both general and key target audience level (for example other youth sector providers, young people, politicians, decision makers).

Mainstream piloted new ideas, use new skills to enhance the learning offer to young people at partner level, develop new project ideas and partnerships to ensure sustainability.

Planned outcomes

Programe of 7 short-term joint-staff training events hosted in Czech Republic, Ireland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden & UK (2) to enable staff / volunteers to build their skills and knowledge in the area of social enterprise;

Identify new ideas and pilot these approaches in their own pilot activity and report back their learning;

Create and publish a Good Practice Guide with 14 case studies identified by course participants and use this a tool to widely disseminate;