Nowadays, gender-related power abuse is still spreading through societies without a viable solution and with new threats arising, such as new technologies misuse with which young women, young people of non-binary gender, and vulnerable groups from refugee and minority communities, find themselves exposed to threats. It is important to realize that most of them, especially those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, are not prepared to deal with abuse – in many countries, it has become a habit, the old template, that repeats itself again and again. Therefore there is a need to prepare both youth workers and young people to address these issues better, increasing the innovation and quality of the youth work in fighting power abuses.
The ultimate goal is to deeply understand the origin and context of gender-related abuse and acquire new tools to work with youth from different gender groups who experience it, to help them raise awareness, and improve their communication skills and social relations. Emotional management also becomes deformed: anger, frustration and violence are the most common answers in conflict situations. The priority of this project is to exchange best practices and tools in order to raise awareness and improve emotional responses and confidence, which in turn will enhance a deeper inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable young people. The participating entities, youth workers and young people will upgrade their skills in raising awareness of society as a whole in relation to gender-related power abuse cases.
Having in mind the above, the project consortium decided to adopt the following project objectives:
1. To exchange the most important practices to fight gender-based violence and power abuse among young people.
2. To learn new tools and approaches to fight gender violence.
3. To raise awareness of power abuses experienced by young people, with special attention to vulnerable groups
4. To strengthen alliances at the regional, national and European levels with entities that fight to counteract gender violence and abuse.