Petrklíč help z.s.’s for almost 15 years has been implementing non-formal education methods in youthwork when it comes to Human rights topics applied through the organization of events including Human rights documentary film festival, Youth exchanges, weekend youth events, Youth Councils. Theme of multiculturality and community development has been cultivated through involvement of young people in organization of the festivals like Cinema on border and The Tea Festival focusing on personal development and promoting healthy lifestyle, tolerance towards other cultures, and respect towards nature, multicultural workshops at Primary and high schools, etc. Activities include: – Office of the organization where volunteers are involved – International relations – communication with foreign partners, creation of databases and evaluation of individual partnership activities, establishing new links Program for forest nursery – workshops, sample lessons, involvement in everyday activities.


We are looking for volunteers with no gender, religions or sexuality restrictions. Our main demand is for young responsible people with need for self-fulfilment, development and learning. No previous qualifications, educational level, specific experience or language knowledge are required to get involved in Petrklic activities. We hope that volunteer is a person who has a positive attitude and interest in being active with motivation to invest time for ideas development, self-development and openness to dynamic way of spending her/his life-work time.