Aneta Polhošová

Hi, my name is Aneta, but everyone is used to calling me “Antex”.I am 20 years old. I’m from the Czech Republic, born in Ostrava to be exact, but I’m currently volunteering in Cesky Tesin.

I first found out about Petrklíč by accident through another company I was on my first internship with. The internship was in the same place where I am currently volunteering, in Český Těšín. Realistically, I have two positions and that is in the office where I help with various activities, all of which are office related. The second position is a tea lady, where I prepare various teas at Petrklíč events.

Of the overall activities, I enjoy preparing the tea the most. The advantage of being a tea man is that you learn all the time, with each new tea. Another advantage I would even mention is that in volunteering you can learn a lot of new things, meet new and interesting people, and possibly improve your language skills. I gained a better language level in Slovak, Polish and English this way. Hobbies in my spare time Apart from the art of self-learning, I am into jewellery making – more specifically bracelets, necklaces (simpler for now), making dream catchers, painting and drawing pictures, exploring new cultures and cooking according to these cultures – mostly Asia, China, Japan, Poland and Egypt. I very much enjoy nature walks alone or with close friends, also sitting in a tea room with a good tea or pipe in a relaxing mood. You will almost always meet me in the tea room 😀.

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